Elio e le Storie Tese
“Mi resta un solo dente e cerco di riavvitarlo”
After the success of the theaters’ tour, with over 40 sold out dates, this summer by popular demand ELIO E LE STORIE TESE are bringing the show “Mi resta un solo dente e cerco di riavvitarlo“. to Italian stages again.
“Mi resta un solo dente e cerco di riavvitarlo” is a show between the sacred and the profane, which opens as a secular mass, in which various current characters are invited to pray for fans of EelST, and that closes with the certification that everything has been played live «Without bases, without samples, without autotune, in short without a dick, all homemade».
Elio e le Storie Tese, dressed in white, on a scenography studied in detail, with the precious direction of Giorgio Gallione, know how to tell our time in an ironic and fascinating way. From “La terra dei cachi” to “Supergiovane”, from “Servi della gleba” to “Transgenic Waltz” the ensemble’s repertoire is always current, because ultimately the Italian mentality never changes, there is always a good reason to be scandalized .
The show combines original stories and images of limitless creativity with music, for a journey through the contradictions of our country conducted with unparalleled mastery and humor by Elio e le Storie Tese.
These are the tour dates:
26 MAY, Concertozzo e Concertozzino, Monza, Teatro Brianteo ➡️ticketone.it;vivaticket.com
26 JUNE, Roma, Villa Ada Festival ➡️www.ticketone.it; dice.fm
29 JUNE, Bologna, Sequoie Music Park ➡️www.ticketone.it; vivaticket.com
30 JUNE, Verona, Teatro Romano, Rumors Festival ➡️ticketone.it; shop.ticketmaster.it
6 JULY, Collegno (TO), Parco Della Certosa Reale, Flowers Festival ➡️www.ticketone.it
7 JULY, Genova, Arena del Mare – Area Porto Antico ➡️ticketone.it
8 JULY, Pistoia, Piazza Duomo, Pistoia Blues Festival ➡️www.ticketone.it
10 JULY, Verbania, Area Esterna Teatro Il Maggiore ➡️ INFO: www.ilmaggioreverbania.it; BOX OFFICE ONLINE: wticket1.wingsoft.it
12 JULY, Palmanova (UD), Piazza Grande ➡️www.ticketone.it
13 JULY, Montebelluna (TV), Stadio San Vigilio, Mattorosso Music Festival ➡️mattorossofestival.it
20 JULY, Sarzana (SP), Piazza Matteotti, Moonland Festival ➡️www.ticketone.it; vivaticket.com
24 JULY, Caserta, Belvedere di San Leucio ➡️ www.ticketone.it
25 JULY, Crotone, Piazzale Ultras ➡️elioelestorietese.it free entry
26 JULY, Taranto, Villa Peripato, Iod Festival ➡️www.ticketone.it
27 JULY, Melpignano (LE), Palazzo Marchesale ➡️www.ticketone.it
30 JULY, Lanusei (NU), Area Spettacoli Istituto Salesiano, Rocce Rosse Festival ➡️www.boxofficesardegna.it
31 JULY, Alghero (SS), Anfiteatro Ivan Graziani, Festival Abbabula ➡️www.ticketone.it; shop.ticketmaster.it
4 SEPTEMBER, Carmagnola (TO), Foro Festival – Piazza Italia ➡️ticketone.it; vivaticket.com
6 SEPTEMBER, Cremona, Piazza del Comune➡️ ticketone.it; dice.fm
7 SEPTEMBER, Roma, Casa del Jazz, Festa del Fatto Quotidiano ➡️ www.i-ticket.it
8 SEPTEMBER, San Giovanni a Piro (SA), Porto Turistico di Scaro, Festival Equinozio d’Autunno ➡️ INFO: clicca qui free entry
10 SEPTEMBER, Teramo, Piazza Martiri della Libertà ➡️ biglietteria.acsabruzzomolise.org