Known in the national and international music scene for their great communicative power and for their always innovative and dynamic performances, Paola Biondi and Debora Brunialti are dedicated to spreading the beauty of music for piano duo.

From an early age they show particular interest in this ensemble, they study at the “N. Paganini” in Genoa and then perfected themselves with Andrea Pestalozza and with legendary figures of the piano duo at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, at the Accademia Musicale in Siena, at the School of Music in Fiesole.

They play all over the world, guests of the most renowned theatres. With constant curiosity, they explored and developed the repertoire for piano duo and collaborated with various contemporary composers, becoming recipients of their works.

They love to interact with theatre, dance, poetry to create a synergy of the arts. In the jazz field they are interpreters of Stefano Bollani and Uri Caine. They have recorded both classical and jazz compositions for various record companies. Both artists teach at the “N. Paganini” in Genoa, where they have also started a piano duo workshop.

Here are the 4 scheduled recitals:
16 February 2023, Munich, Italian Cultural Institute, 7.00 pm ➡️
Free admission but booking is recommended on the event page by filling out the booking form

23 February 2023, Hamburg, Italian Cultural Institute, 7.00 pm ➡️
Free admission with reservations required through the Eventbrite portal

11 March 2023, Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, 6.00 pm ➡️    Free admission

12 March 2023, Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, 11.00 am ➡️  Free admission

For the concerts in Munich and Hamburg the Duo has chosen compositions by George Gershwin, Giorgio Gaslini, Mike Cornick, Stefano Bollani and Aurelio Canonici.
On the occasion of the first Genoese appointment on 11 March, the pianists will perform moments of music from the Disney film “Fantasia“, as well as some of the most famous soundtracks that have marked the success of the Disney epic.
To close, on the morning of March 12, the presentation of the program “Sounds and rhythms from America” with music by George Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein and Darius Milhaud.